Thursday, November 15, 2007

PLN 20

I read a post Majority of state teens text while driving that sounded very familiar to me. There are already so many teens deaths because of car accidents and texting isn't really helping. 460 teen drivers were interveiwed and 97% of them agreed that texting behind the wheel is dangerous, but yet 51% of the them admitted to texting behind the wheel and 66% of them admitted to talking on their cell phones while driving. But there is something being done to help this situation.South High School gathered plegdes from students saying they wouldn't text and drive but only 25 students have signed up so far. They encourage other high schools to start doing the same.

How it matters to me: I see this problem alot when my mom is driving me. I see teenagers and adults talking on thier cell phones or texting while driving. To me it just seems like a great way to get killed because there is no way to text and still pay attention to the road.My neighbor used to help with car pull last year and she would always be on her cell phone talking to her friends or boyfriend. I was constantly closing my eyes because I thought we were going to die. The car swerved alot and we almost got in a couple of car accidents. I really think that teens should turn off their phones when they are driving unless it is an absolute emergency.

How it matters to the world: This isn't just an issue in Colorado. It is a problem world wide. The are several teen deaths everyday because of drunk driving, driving without a seatbelt, reckless driving, and texting and talking on your cell phone while driving. There isn't much that can be done to prevent it because the police can't take away cell phones. But parents and schools can help.

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