Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Something that related to me alot was the article titled Student Information Online from the Thinking Stick. It talks about how students need to protect themselves on the internet because even though the internet is becoming less and less dangerous, there are still creepy people out there who can hurt you and there is still a need for students to protect themselves. It also talks about how schools want to protect its students even though it doesn't have any rules about pictures and other things on the internet about their students.

What matters:
There are several things on the internet that are good and bad. But the school is the last place that you would think would put its students in danger over the internet by posting pictures, names, and other personal information. In Student Information Online talks about how there are unspoken rules for putting things on the internet. Well some of the rules are
1.Do not post personal information
2.Do not use last names
3. Use pictures with permission
These are pretty good rules because those are the main ways people are found on the internet and if they don't put those things on websites about students, then they are safe from any online preditors. Also the school is safe from getting sued. If a student was hurt by an online preditor because of the information the school put online then the school would get sued alot for putting that child in danger.

What Matters to Me:
My parents feel that the internet is a very unsafe place. That is why they won't let me have a Myspace. They always read about children getting stalked by strange people on the internet, most commonly men. I don't entirly agree with them on this subject but I do agree that the internet can be unsafe sometimes. But if you follow all the safety tips listed above then you are pretty safe. But my school posts things about me and other students all the time. When I did Cross Country the school posted my PR online. They also have a picture of the Cross Country team. so my school doesnt follow these rules.

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