Tuesday, October 23, 2007

PLN Entry # 13

Today i was looking through the things to read for my pln and something every interesting caught my eye. It is titled YouTube 101 and is written by Karl Fisch. It is talking about a class that is being offered at Pitzer College in California on YouTube. There isn't much writing about it but there is a video about it that explains it.

What matters: The class is taught by Alexandra Juhasz. You may think that this is a pointless class to take but when they asked Juhasz why they set up this class she explained that this class helps the students understand the new technologies that are coming at us so fast. The class studies how it works, why people watch it so much,what their rules are, how they are different from other technologies, and how people express themselves through these videos. The main site they are talking about is YouTube but in this class they also review other popular websites and ask the serious question of "What do we do on these websites and why do people go to them so much?" In the class the students help create the assignments. They are actually teaching the teacher about YouTube in their presentations because it seems that people in this century know alot more about technology than some adults ever will.

Why it matters to me: This is a huge advancement into the future which makes me very happy because I am constantly complaining in my pln entries about how schools aren't teaching things that will help us succeed in the future. But when I heard about this class I did question it a little bit. At first it sounded like one of those classes that you can just slack off in and still get a good grade. But when I watched the videos about the class then I began to understand why it is an important class. I don't think that it is a necessity but I do think that it would be very interesting to take that class one day. I want to ask you Ms. Smith if you think that this class is just a joke or that it is a huge advancement into the future?


annes said...

I think it is not so much about understanding the technologies but more about you learning skills that will help you succeed in any environment. This class could possibly teach those skills through looking at technology but students still need to practice skills like collaboration, communcation, critical thinking, problem solving, and most importantly validating sources as well as supporting your own ideas.

adama said...

You did a good job but you need to make more eye contact.You mostly read from you paper but other than that good job.

seand said...

Angelica, good job on this presentation. Try not to look at your paper as much but other than that it was good.

samh said...

Angelica, I thought you did a great job going into detail with your blogs. You were also very clear when you spoke. One thing to improve on is eye contact. Good job though!

Averee said...

Angelica, great job. Try not to rely on your note cards so mych, but other than that, you seemed very confident in your presentation. Awesome job!

berekm said...

I think your right and that would be an easy A class but I think its cool that someone would think of something like that so i would probebly take it beucase it sounds easy and fun. Good job

brandonh2011 said...

i liked how you keep each article short and sweet you told the ideas and then you personal views good job also try make your presentaion a little longer and more eye contact

alenav said...

Angelica, you had a really good presentation. You spoke clear and loud, next time just make more eye contact.

alexe said...

Angelica, good job try and make more eye contact, besides that great job.

Jackie N said...

Angelica, you did well explaining your articles, next time try not reading off of your paper so much. But overall, good job!

joeyw said...

I agree with alot of the things you said and you had great points to support your reasonings.

Anna K said...

Angelica, you did a great job! Next time you could try to speak up a little more. Other then that, good job!

mmg said...

Angelica, you did a great job. I liked the articles you picked out for your PLN. You need to look at the audiance more instead of the paper, but besides that you did a great job.

laurene said...

Angelica! I think that you did a great job explaining yourself and what you read. You had good eye contact and a good loud voice, which was helpful to understand what you had to say. Awsome job!

DennisRocks said...

Angelia, you did a great job. I really liked how you chose a common theme for all your plns. Next time, you shohuld try not to rely on your paper so much, but overall, good job.

annies said...

Angelica! I agree with you that this English class is advancing. I think it's crazy that schools aren't teaching us anything new with the computers. I deffinetly don't think that Youtube 101 would be a useless class. Youtube isn't that hard to work. Great job!

laurenp said...

Your presentation was kind of short, but other than that you did a very good job!

Xavia H2011 said...

You have really good ideas on your blog, you really think about it and then just spill out your opinion and expand on it. Great job
you presented very well.

ethan l said...

You were really good at expanding your ideas. I thought it was a great presentation.

kellyS said...

You did a good job on speaking clearly and fluently. Try to make a little more eye contact and not read off your papaer so much. Good job!

carterw said...

Angelica, you did a great job presenting. nice question. I think that youtube class would be pointless because your just playing on the web.

seanb said...

Angelica, good job great job awesome job all around you had a reat presentation. ZYou were clear and had some interesting articles.