Sunday, October 28, 2007

PLN entry #14

A conversation about failure caught my eye because of the issue that it talks about. Dave Warlick went to New York State School Board’s Association conference in NYC this week. A man named Henry Winkler was the opening speaker and talked about kids with problems like dyslexia and ADD are labeled slow in class because they arent given proper help.

What matters:This is a big problem with many kids. There is a surprisingly large number of children with this problem and yet schools still aren't doing very much to help this problem. They do have separate classes for the "special children" so they can get individual help but no kid wants to be called special so they will never admit to the teacher that they need help and will just keep struggleing. Then as a result to this many students don't even finish high school.

How it matters to me: I can relate exactly to this pln because I have a mild case of dyslexia. No one can tell I have it because in elementary school I went to a tutor outside of school for two years that helped me.I don't have trouble anymore but I used to have alot of trouble in elementary school. I was labeled "slow". I even had to go to some of the special classes. I hated it because everyone treated me different. I had to get all of these test at childrens hospital and everything. I'm so thankful it's better now. I don't want other children to have to go through this so I hope that they are able to figure something out to help this problem.

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seanb said...
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