Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Today I decided to read an article from Karl Fisch. The title of the article was The Future of the Newspaper. In this article it talks about how the future of the the newspaper and many other things like the music business are not looking so good. The article talks about Karl listening to John Temple. The conference was interactive with the kids which I think is good because kids are the future and know more about this stuff than adults do.

What Matters:
The future is a sometimes very unpredictable. But still people seem to think that they can make accurate predictions about the future, especially in technology. Some of the things Temple talked about in his conference was that music isn't going out, but the music business of selling albums is. Most teens don't even buy CDs anymore because they can just get it off the internet. Another imortant topic that was brought up was the future of the newspaper. Do you think it will still be around in the future. Temple thinks that it will not because people can just use the internet to get the news or the weather, and serveral other things that the newspaper provide for us.

What matters to me:
In some ways I do agree with Temple. But there are also many other things that I do not think will fade away. Such as the newspaper. The internet can not replace the comfort of sitting at the breakfast table quietly reading the newspaper while you sit with the rest of your family. Sure the internet does provide all the news and weather but it is not as easy as reading the newspaper. You can just flip to the comics on a sunday morning and eat at the same time. The newspaper has been around for so long and even though technology is taking over several aspects of life, I do not believe it will take away the traditional newspaper. But I agreed with Temple when he talked about the music business going out because people can just buy music online. They can access it off Itunes, Limewire, and many many other websites that you can buy music off of. I have not bought a CD in a very long time and I see no point in it. It is just so much easier when I can just walk into my own basement and go on the computer and buy any song I want, without needing to buy the whole CD.

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