Tuesday, September 18, 2007

PLN entry #4

I just read a blog by David Warlick titled The World is a 'Twitter. It discusses the new way of future eduation chat through Twitter. David Warlick is at a conferance called Classrooms for the Future when he is blogging to us.

What matters:
This new program called Twitter is a new way of chatting through blogger. Dave Warlick seems to think that this program is very effective because it can help him during presentations because all he has to do is put it up on a screen and then teachers could ask questions for other teachers to see and then the people in the audience could chat with each other about what they think. It matters because this is just another step forward to improving our schools and creating better schools for the furture.

How it matters to me:
It matters to me because I like to know that the teachers actually care about their students. They actually want to find new ways to make learning better for us. Normally when I think about the conferances that teacher have to go to I picture just someone boring standing in the front of the room talking about something that no one really cares about. Also in middle school I was a student assistant for my math teacher and 2 days a week I had to go into a different room while all the 8th grade teachers had meetings about the kids or about the curiculum . Then the teacher that I was student assisting for would come out of the meeting as if he was being tortured. I dont want to think that they are having meetings about how horrible their students are or talking about something boring that they have to teach us. I like to hear that they are actually trying to improve how we learn.

How it matters to the world:
If they are starting to advance into the future in America now then I think that there is a good chance that soon they will start in Europe. Twitter seems to be helping in conferances and actually keeping the audeince awake. They actually have a chance to interact with the other people there without even interupting the speecher. The internet is constantly changing the world by improving and developing new programs. The world in finally advancing into the future!

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